Company & payment information

On this page you can find our company and payment information. When you place an order in our shop you don't need these information, these will automatically be generated by our system.  

For the chamber of commerce we are located at:
CV Fishing BV
Hegebeintumerdyk 10
9172 PJ FerwertNaam: CV Fishing
Email: [email protected]
KvK: 87980339
BTW-id: NL0864466092B01
Bank: ING Bank
IBAN: NL51INGB 0398 5041 05

ATTENTION: we are not a regular store, so we don't have openings hours. You can pick up orders or products on appointment.   
Every day we are available from 17.00 till 21.00 uur on: 0031 (0) 518 -700 240

Our other company information is:

Naam: CV Fishing
Email: [email protected]
KvK: 87980339
BTW-id: NL0864466092B01
Bank: ING Bank
IBAN: NL51INGB 0398 5041 05

If you need more information or have any questions, you can always contact us.